Friday, May 16, 2014

The Interviews

Wrapping up our first week we are going to let you all into our personalities a little more by interviewing each other. We don't want to come off all technical all the time. We both love life and are happy to be showing y'all a little of ours.

Lex: Your favorite thing about TN.
Alana: All of the gorgeous green rolling hills, open farmland, and horses. And of course the great live music everywhere, and going dancing at the honky tonks downtown!

Alana: What do you love about TN?
Lex: It's picturesqueness. Now that's a fun word! I love that you can go from city to country and back to city within a 30 minute drive. Coming from NY, I never thought I would like country living, but I love having all this beautiful land around me. And its so nice for my babes to be able to run around. Only slightly better than our front yard in Brooklyn aka the sidewalk.

Lex: Fondest childhood memory of us?
Alana:  Rearranging our room for sure. Sharing a room with two beds we had to get creative, we changed the design around often. It's something I love to do for my 9 year old son, Camren. Sometimes I'll rearrange it, while he is out for a fun surprise. When he comes home he is always so excited to see it.

Alana: What was it like growing up with a twin?
Lex: Automatic BFF. Lots of good memories. One thing that was kind of annoying was being called "twin" all the time. Or being referred to as "the twins". Like we were one in the same. Eh, I came out of it OK. I guess it was because people couldn't tell us apart. I don't see why.

Lex: Favorite thing to do in your free time?
Alana: I love photography. One of my favorite things to photograph are our builds from start to finish. I really enjoy shooting interiors of homes and landscapes as well.

Alana: And your fave thing to do in your free time?
Lex: I love discovering new restaurants, eating good food and drinking French wine.  I'll admit I'm a bit of a wine snob. But the nerd in me loves to read and write. When I have extra time I try to add some pages to a novel I am working on.

Thanks for following our first week! Lots more to come. Enjoy your weekend.


"The Twins" :)

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